Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dear Brooklyn.

Dear Brooklyn,

Still missing you everyday, sweet girl.

Your pretty headstone came in, and the grass is getting green finally. Once it gets a little warmer, I'll plant some flowers for you.

Big Sister has the little stuffed bear the hospital gave me when they took you from me. She sleeps with it every night and gives it lots of love. We call it Brookie-Bear.

You'd be ten and a half weeks old now. Time's been going by so fast, and so slow at the same time. You're still supposed to be in my tummy for another month.

It doesn't get easier. It just gets different.

I miss you. I love you.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A little closure.

This past week we finally got some answers we were waiting for (refer to my main blog for details on that). I feel like we have a better understanding of what happened now, and we also realize how much of a little miracle Brynleigh is. But we've got a long road ahead of us still.

We also had Brooklyn's gravestone designed and ordered finally. It should be here within the month. In the meantime, her grave is covered with bunnies and Easter egg decorations, as promised.

I bought frames to put both pictures of my two girls little feet in so they can be up on the wall. I'm so grateful to have pictures of Brooklyn. We only have 4, but that's more than many moms in our situation have. I'm so glad we have them to remember her by and to show her siblings so they know who she is. I sure love that little girl.